About Me

hi hi! call me lapis or alice, whichever you prefer. i'm very gay, very trans, very poly, and despite what i may wish, very An Adult.

this is just kind of a place for me to have a personal little corner of the internet. if you uh, can't tell, i kinda love Etrian Odyssey. it's terminal i'm sorry to say. i got a lot of words about Games and other media rolling around in my brain and you'll probably see more than a few of them here.

besides games i kinda just float between different interests and hobbies over time, usually cycling through a few things.
i'm also (slowly) working on learning Japanese, but that's a looong journey that's made all the more difficult by unmedicated ADHD. again, working on it.

gotta give out some content warnings too. mind you that even if i don't post anything directly containing anything listed below, a lot of media i engage with and will probably have things to say about, does. as a result, consider this website to be Not Safe For Work/18+. a lot of media i enjoy is sexually suggestive or explicit, and i myself am a fairly sexually explicit person myself, so, fair warnings on that.

you may be asking yourself, "isn't this basically a kink list?" and, well. i mean. yeah, more or less. that in mind, please be aware if you have any aversion to...

*this list may not be completely comprehensive and will be updated over time if something becomes more relevant